After Losing Weight Who Will I See Woman Looking in Mirror

After Losing Weight, Who Will I See in the Mirror?

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Anyone who’s been following my weight loss transformation thus far knows that I’ve already made some serious progress toward my goal. Now that I’m getting closer to the finish line, there’s something that’s been nagging me. I’ve spent my whole life obsessing over my weight. Can getting to my goal really change how I’ve been thinking? Will I magically begin to love myself after losing weight? I did some research to find out more.

Self-Image and Mental Health

How I see myself in my head has always been different from what I see in the mirror. In my mind, my body is fit and slim. I have clear skin and shining eyes. I find it difficult to cope with what I actually see. It’s hard to allow myself the joy of having friends or finding love because I don’t want anyone to know me like this.

I’ve always wished that I could simply step out of this suit I’ve imprisoned myself in and live life as I should. It’s harmed my mental health and overall wellness. There were times when I wondered if my life was even worth living. But now, after years of work, I’m well on my way to moving forward with my life.

After Losing Weight

At this point in my weight loss journey, I’m fully aware that it’s possible to eat small amounts of junk food and still lose weight. AND, it’s totally possible to eat trigger foods and choose not to binge. But I’m not going to sugarcoat it (I’ve done that enough already). I will probably struggle with weight maintenance going forward.

To maintain my weight, I’ll still have to keep snacking moderately as part of my lifestyle. This is a challenge that I’ll be proud to complete. I want to prove to the world that you can lose weight without giving up the foods you love or driving yourself insane.

It will be great when I finally feel like I can go out into the world and open up to people. I’d love to get to know myself again. Who is Ang? Is she a good person? I know she likes food, but does she have any other passions?

Here’s what I hope will happen when I reach my weight loss goal:

  • I won’t have crushing social anxiety.
  • I will feel confident in my skin (what does that feel like I wonder?).
  • I’ll see what different people I draw to myself.
  • I can finally enjoy fun activities without racing thoughts about how I look.

Letting Go of the Past

I have so many plans for my life once I finally have the confidence to do so. Yes, the anxiety I have over my size has been damn near crippling. I’ve pretty much put aside having much of a life while waiting to lose weight. It sounds pretty sad, but I consider reaching my goal weight to be a major milestone in my life. I’ll be finally letting go of the past and all the shame I carry.

You’re probably wondering why I haven’t been able to simply stop worrying about how I look and go out and enjoy life without caring. While I applaud people who can do this, it’s something I’ve never been capable of. A lifetime of obsessing over my appearance hasn’t been kind to my self-image, confidence, or mental health.

Since I won’t have my weight to worry about anymore (let’s hope), I’ll have to find something else to devote my time and energy to. I can spend my life reaching new goals. My focus can be shifted to relationships, improving my blog, or learning a new language. It would be awesome to learn Italian someday!

Focusing on Moving Forward

Even after losing weight, I know I still won’t be perfect. I may even struggle with moving forward afterward. I’ll still obsess over my little flaws. Sadly, this is a battle many who lose a large amount of weight encounter. People who lose a significant amount of weight are more likely to suffer from depression after their weight loss.

People imagine that once they get slim, all their problems will be solved. Then comes the truth: the problems are still there. Well, I’m ready to move on even if I find new problems. Even if they never go away. I would much rather that than keep struggling with my weight forever.

"Nobody really knows what they look like. The mirror shows you only what you want to see." -Terry Wogan  Click To Tweet

Befriending Your Body

If you need expert help reconnecting with your body, I have an excellent recommendation! Befriending Your Body by Ann Saffi Biasetti is a book that teaches you to have self-compassion, pay attention to your thoughts, and heal from the inside out.

Befriending Your Body gives you the power to discover who you really are and opens the door to healthy self-improvement. It also offers many simple practices using guided meditation, yoga, and journaling. If you want to learn more about it, I wrote a complete book review here.

Click below for quick links to the book!

The Person I See After Losing Weight

Will I see that perfect woman I imagine myself to be after reaching my goal? Probably not. But I’m sure I’ll be proud of who I do see! Finally reaching a lifelong goal is not something I’ll be taking lightly. Letting go of the past I hated is something I’ll be rejoicing!

I intend to pay close attention to how I feel about myself during this time and make sure I’m using a positive inner voice. And don’t worry, I’ll keep you posted, so you’ll know what to expect as well!

Have you lost a significant amount of weight in the past? How has your self-image changed? Share your story in the comments!

That’s it for now everyone. If you’ve found some value in this post, please share it to inspire others too! Thanks!

The Name Ang in cursive black text. There is a magenta heart next to it. Ang Signoff Heart

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34 thoughts on “After Losing Weight, Who Will I See in the Mirror?”

  1. That part about finding a new purpose sounds really important in the grand scheme of things. It could be easy to get into the mindset that once the goal is reached, poof, everything will be better, but it sounds like you’re treating it as a new starting point rather than just an endpoint.

  2. Wow, I can tell you’re going through a lot of self-reflection. I think your mindset will be a great asset to your success and contentedness moving forward, great work!

  3. It’s not easy to lose weight. Over the time it has taken for you to eat differently the key is to keep hunger at bay and make sure you have snacks ready to go. My favorite is PB Fit and is a powdered peanut butter and I add a couple tablespoons of powdered flaxseed,stir in a little water or almond milk and it really satisfies. Stay strong on your journey Ang your really doing a wonderful job. Blessings.

  4. I’m so glad you started thinking about that because when the time comes, you might fall into the loop of wanting to lose more. You are gorgeous and such an intelligent woman. What’s not to love? 😉

    1. Thanks girlie for the compliments! You’re beautiful too 😊 I’m hoping after I reach my goal weight it’ll be off to new horizons.

  5. So proud of you, love!

    I experienced the same feelings – I was suddenly very confident in my own skin. I started putting myself out there knowing that the first thing people wouldn’t notice about me is my weight. I hope you feel super proud of yourself!

    Maintaining that weight can definitely be your next challenge. Once I reached my target weight – I thought I’d chill and ended up putting on 1/4th of the weight I had lost. 🙁 So stay focused on keeping that weight off.

    1. Congrats on your newfound confidence! I’ve read a few stories about how it’s hard to keep the weight off after losing it, so I’m thinking of this as more of a lifelong change than a one-time thing.

    2. I am in the same struggle.. after losing.. we gain a few pounds when we come back to our normal lifestyle. However, that’s normal. However maintaining the overall weight loss is a challenge in itself

  6. I think the key is what you say near the end – “keeping that positive inner voice. Congrats on the progress you have made towards your goal…

  7. Journalofthegrey

    Now, this is just me, but honestly, there seemed to be nothing wrong with you before. You just got motivated to live a healthier life. Which, you should hold your head high either way.

      1. Journalofthegrey

        Well that’s excellent! And you’re a pretty awesome blogger. I read a lot and it makes me talk a lot lol.

  8. Pingback: They All Hate Me Because I'm Fat! - Lose Weight With Ang

  9. Pingback: Progress Post #5: Time to Reclaim My Life - Lose Weight With Ang

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