Young woman in a striped shirt thinking about something. Stop Losing Weight

3 Reasons Why You Should Stop Losing Weight

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I bet you raised an eyebrow when you read that title. Isn’t this site called Lose Weight with Ang? Well, it is, but let’s not jump to conclusions here. I didn’t create this site to tell everyone to lose weight simply because I am. I’m fully aware some people want to lose weight for the wrong reasons. In light of this, I’ll be sharing my reasons why you should stop losing weight.

I’m going to add a little warning here. This post will be tough love to some readers but understand I made this blog to promote health. Having a poor body image or making yourself sick isn’t something I’d wish on anyone.

You’re Not Doing It for Yourself

Firstly, when choosing to lose weight, it should be to improve your quality of life. Don’t do it to make someone else happy. This includes trying to be seen as attractive or to please friends and family who are pressuring you.

Doing this can cause added stress and feelings of inadequacy in your life. Do you want to surround yourself with people who only like you because of how you look? You may end up feeling bitterness towards them, wondering why they can’t love you the way you are.

Also, people-pleasing is a great way to neglect your health and feelings. Ask yourself if the thoughts you have about your weight belong to you or come from the media and people around you. If you’re not doing it for yourself, ask yourself if losing weight is something you need to do.

“When you say yes to others, make sure you aren't saying no to yourself." – Paulo Coehlo Click To Tweet

You Should Stop Losing Weight if You’re Too Thin

If you’re trying to be underweight, please reconsider your choice. The only way you’re going to get that thin is by starving yourself and harming your body. Of course, this doesn’t include naturally thin people, but anyone trying to force their bodies underweight.

Being underweight can lead to many health problems, including poor nutrition, thinning skin and hair, fatigue, infertility, heart problems, and a weak immune system. If you are underweight and losing weight without trying, you may want to talk to a doctor about it.

With all the images surrounding us every day, it’s easy to get sucked into the belief that being rail-thin is beautiful. But please understand, your health and happiness are more important. If you’re finding it hard to stop restricting food or are having harmful thoughts of being thin, it’s time to ask your doctor for help.

You Think It’s Something You’re Supposed to Do

Often, I hear people talking about dieting like it’s just a regular part of life. With all the diet products and advertisements we see each day, it’s not surprising that people think food restrictions are normal. In reality, you don’t need to punish your body for existing or being the weight it wants.

The media makes us believe that being overweight is downright villainous. Still, you don’t need to lose weight to fit in or be a valued member of society. There’s no reason for you to look like the airbrushed models in magazines or your favorite underweight actress. In fact, all you need to be is the happiest version of yourself.

Think of all the time you’re wasting by counting calories and weighing yourself each day. You could use that time to do something enjoyable. If trying to lose weight isn’t improving your life, it’s time to let it go.

Reasons to Lose Weight

In reality, if you’re not losing weight to better your own life for yourself, then you shouldn’t be doing it. Rather, if you’re at a weight that you feel comfortable, energetic, and healthy at, there’s no need to change anything.

Here’s a list of reasons to lose weight:

  • Feeling lighter and more energetic.
  • Keeping up with your kids.
  • Avoiding or reducing health problems.
  • Joint pain relief.
  • Having a better overall mood.
  • Better sleep.
  • Enjoying a longer life.

Why I’m Losing Weight

When I started this weight loss journey a year ago, I was stuck in a cycle of binge eating and starving myself. I struggled with several eating disorders throughout my life, which had stolen some of my best years. The weight cycling that I put my body through had led me to obesity, depression, loss of energy, and poor self-image.

I had many reasons to lose weight. However, they were all to make my life one where I was happy to get out of bed in the morning. I wanted more energy, to feel lighter, and to improve my mood. Then I would have the will to tackle my depression.

Also, I wanted to eat normally again so I could have healthy relationships with people. My eating led me to withdraw from friends and family due to shame. Since I stopped binge eating and learned to enjoy the foods I like without overeating them, I’ve felt free to come out of hiding.

Over the past year, my life has spiraled upward. So far, this includes eating disorder recovery, increasing physical health, easing depression, and improving self-love. This began with the choice to stop my binge eating and dieting. Naturally, my weight fell on its own. Hence the name, Lose Weight with Ang.

Help with Binge Eating

Finding out how to understand your thoughts is the biggest key to success in recovery. Brain over Binge is a book that helped me with binge eating and bulimia by teaching me how to combat my illness from the inside out. The author, Kathryn Hansen, describes her battle with bulimia and how she overcame it.

This book offers a simple and permanent solution, which doesn’t involve restricting your favorite foods. I wholeheartedly recommend it! Also, if you would like more information, I wrote an in-depth and honest book review here.

When to Stop Losing Weight: In Conclusion

When you want to lose weight, it’s best to think about the reasons why. If your reasons are to be underweight, make someone else happy, or fit in, please reconsider your decision. Overall, you’re better off doing it for yourself to improve your health, without hate for your body.

Lastly, I want you to understand that you should care for your body, no matter its size. After all, it has carried you through your whole life and does what’s required to keep you alive. There may be things you don’t like about it, but it’s your home. It’s time to give your body the respect it deserves, even if you have to stop losing weight.

What are your reasons for losing weight? Share them in the comments!

That’s it for now everyone. If you’ve found some value in this post, please share it to inspire others too! Thanks!

The Name Ang in cursive black text. There is a magenta heart next to it. Ang Signoff Heart

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This post contains affiliate links for products that I love. If you use these links to buy something I may earn a commission with no additional cost to you. Thanks for helping keep this site going! Also, this post was made for the site Lose Weight With Ang. If you’re reading this on a different site, please email us


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10 thoughts on “3 Reasons Why You Should Stop Losing Weight”

  1. Ang, I love your first emboldened line saying don’t do it to make someone else happy. That could be said about weight loss and surgery to make body parts less or more of something. If you choose to do any of that, do it for yourself. Do not do any of this because someone is making you out to be less than you are. Keith

    1. She notes from her counseling that this is a battle that is never over in this life. She will continue to celebrate her recovery as a day-to-day event. BUT recovery IS possible!! And you provide a wonderful platform for showing this. 😊

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