Blog Post Ideas Thought Cloud

How to Easily Come Up with Blog Post Ideas

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Have you ever noticed when you log on to WordPress, there are bloggers who post a new, compelling article almost every day? Naturally, you might wonder how they find the time to do so. But also, how do they come up with so many blog post ideas? If you’re someone who’s having trouble finding what topics to write about, you might be surprised by how easy it can be.

My Draft Count

Are you someone who’s lucky enough to pull great ideas out of thin air? Like, whenever you want? I’ll be the first one to say, I’m definitely not. But I do have a draft list that has 98 in it at the moment. When I tell people I have that many drafts started, I get some very surprised reactions. So now, I’m sharing my secrets!

I have so many drafts started because I write down anything that could relate to my blog and could possibly make a great post. These drafts have a few key points or notes added, and are ready to be written when I find the time. Because I only post once a week, the list has been growing rapidly.

Posting less has done more than help me build my draft list. If I decided to write more, I would experience burnout or have many, very small posts. Smaller posts are not as informative or engaging. While posting more often is good for SEO, uploading shorter posts is not. When I began blogging, I used to write 300-word posts, just enough to make the Yoast plug-in happy, but now I try to hit 1000 or more.

Finding What Topics to Write About

So, where do all my ideas come from? I have a few tricks up my sleeve for finding ideas:

For a while, I kept a personal journal. Journaling gave me an outlet and a great way to untangle my thoughts. In those thoughts, writing ideas that hadn’t come to mind yet appeared. Not long ago, I dug through the journal finding any topic involving weight loss and eating disorders, and added them to my draft list. I knew, if I was stressing about those issues, my readers would want the answers too.

I also like to find what topics to write about by doing research using online keyword tools. Sites like Google Keyword Planner and Answer the Public are handy for finding the questions people are asking online. If I plug in one of my categories, such as “binge eating,” I’ll see common queries about binge eating. These are great blog post ideas.

Sometimes I get inspiration from one of the amazing bloggers I follow. When I’m reading posts, quite often I’ll have an idea to branch off the topic, and tie it into my own niche. This is not copying or plagiarism. It’s my own writing and my own idea.

Pinterest is another great way to look for inspiration. You can find countless pins with lists of blog post ideas to look through and tailor to your own niche. If you have blogging friends, keep your eyes open for their idea posts as well.

How One Blog Post Idea Becomes Many

When writing an article, it’s easy to split it up into multiple posts if you know you’ll be covering many topics. For example, when I wrote the post Striving for Perfection, it was originally going to be one post about the binge eating excuses my mind comes up with. But after I began writing I realized it could be made into 5 or 6 separate posts if I described each excuse in more detail.

Ideas are also dreamt up during post-writing when I briefly mention a topic, then realize it would make a good post. It’s always good to have your drafts page open when writing. That way you’re always ready to add ideas.

Writing about topics you’re passionate and knowledgeable about is a great way to keep the creativity going. These are the stories that encourage you to write more. Out of my entire list of drafts, very few of the ideas came from actual brainstorming. They’re mostly thought up while writing other posts, or reading through old content and realizing I missed something.

Can Someone Have Too Many Blog Post Ideas?

While it’s certainly better to have more ideas than none at all, having too many drafts does have a few setbacks. It takes a while to decide what to post. Most of my ideas I’m very excited to write about, and right when I’m about to settle on one post, I see another just as intriguing.

Also, when I create my calendar for each month of posts and social media uploads, I have to sift through nearly 100 drafts before choosing the ones I’d like to write about. This can be time-consuming, as I like to mix up the posts that I put up each week, not putting up projects in the same category too many weeks in a row.

To fix this problem, I’ve begun marking certain drafts with “LATER” as the first word in the title, so I know to skip over it for now. These are mainly the posts that I plan to write after finishing my weight loss transformation. Categorizing the folder has made scheduling easier as well because I can choose from a different theme each week.

Blog Post Idea Checklist

Here’s a list of helpful ways to keep adding to your blog topics list:

  • Keep something handy to write down ideas when they come. Think phone, notebook, even a napkin. Even if it’s the middle of the night or you’re busy at a meeting. Never tell yourself you’ll remember to add it later.
  • Write down anything that comes to mind, even if you don’t think it’ll be a good idea. It may inspire something better later on.
  • Sit down and idea dump. This involves setting aside time for brainstorming ideas. This activity can be either very productive or in the wake of writer’s block, not productive at all. Try it and see what happens.
  • Try journaling without any clear goal. Just write, and let the creative juices start flowing. Even writing about your day and how you’ve been feeling can open up your mind to ideas you didn’t know were in there.
  • Put your site’s main topics into Google Keyword Planner or Answer the Public to see what people are asking about within your niche.
  • Look to Pinterest or other blog posts. Figure out how you can narrow down a general idea and add your own twist on a topic.
  • When writing, consider if the subject can make another similar post.
  • Do you write about a certain topic a lot? Try writing an article thoroughly describing that topic so your readers have a more in-depth understanding. This kind of post gives you something to link to in future posts as well. An example I use often would be my article explaining binge eating disorder.
  • When all else fails, consider writing fewer posts, but make them longer and more engaging.
“You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.” – Saul Bellow Click To Tweet

Find Blog Topics

Thinking of blog post ideas doesn’t come easy to everyone, but there are ways to make the process simpler. Writing down ideas as soon as you think of them will help ensure you’re always adding to your draft folder. Using online tools, lists of post ideas, and journaling will spark creativity and help you choose topics you’re passionate about.

Diving deeper into your blog topics and dividing one post into many will help you pump out original posts without having to think of fresh new topics. Also, if your draft folder gets too big, you can always start categorizing it to save time with scheduling. Though, aside from clutter, I’d say having too many ideas is a good problem to have!

98 Drafts Blog Post Ideas
I Wasn’t Lying, I Promise!

So, how many drafts do you have started? Do you struggle when thinking of ideas? Let me know in the comments!


Weight Loss For Binge Eaters is a course designed to help you overcome binge eating and lose weight while promoting total wellness.

Lose weight healthily with the most effective technique to stop binge eating for good! ON SALE NOW!

A photo of the Weight Loss for Binge Eaters Course Widget. It features the title thumbnail which shows Ang smiling with her hand on her hip. She's wearing a navy blue blouse and has long, brown hair. The description says Weight Loss for Binge Eaters Course, the price, and a blue-green button that says check it out in all capital letters.

That’s it for now everyone. If you’ve found some value in this post, please share it to inspire others too! Thanks!

The Name Ang in cursive black text. There is a magenta heart next to it. Ang Signoff Heart

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24 thoughts on “How to Easily Come Up with Blog Post Ideas”

  1. I was vaguely aware of AnswerThePublic, but hadn’t used it. Damn, that dude on the home page is creepy.

    I have 26 posts in my drafts right now, although some of those are templates for recurring posts. I have a blogging spreadsheet that contains ideas to get to later. I get some ideas from things I read in the news or stumble across online, but a lot of my ideas come from things that fellow bloggers have mentioned, whether that be in their posts or in the comments. I try to remember to make note of who inspired a post, but if I don’t write it down when I create the draft, the chances of me remembering later are pretty slim.

    1. I try to get my query in quickly so the weird guy stops looking at me and moving around haha! I don’t know why the site is made like that. Aside from the creepiness, I find it pretty useful.

      I get a lot of inspiration from fellow blogger too. That’s part of the reason I love WordPress Reader. I get to connect with people, but also have constant reminders of things and situations I never would have thought of otherwise.

    2. Never went to AnswerThePublic, but your comment “inspired” me (??). You’re right, he is creepy! Funny – creepy, but creepy. 😂

  2. I always wondered how people even manage to do a post each day. If I batch my posts, I can do 5 in a week, but it still takes me 3-4 hours a day of work. Maybe I’m not very fast at writing. I’ll stick to one or 2 a week 🙂

  3. Pingback: ReBlogging ‘How to Easily Come Up with Blog Post Ideas’ – Link Below | Relationship Insights by Yernasia Quorelios

  4. I so need blog ideas right now – too much work and exhaustion to be able to really write. 😓
    I do the drafts thing too – write down my ideas there whenever I get one and then complete the post later. I have 149 drafts. 🙈
    ‘Answer th Public’ sounds like a great resource to find blog ideas from – hadn’t heard of it – definitely going to check it out.

    1. 149 drafts! We’re both set for years. Answer the Public is really helpful, just watch out for the weird creepy guy looking at you when you go to the site’s main page haha!

      1. hahaha truly – though it’s amazing how during my writer’s block periods – even the drafts aren’t able to inspire me.

        haha – definitely going to keep a look out for him. 😀

  5. Great post Ang! I agree with all the points you wrote. I have 61 drafts! I get my inspiration from pinterest too sometimes, its a great tool to have a bloggers

  6. I don’t have any posts in my draft folder. I write and bam 💥 post it! That’s probably why I rarely post now as I do run out of steam!! I find I write all day with work … reports, letters, patient notes, emails .. I find it hard it motivate myself in my free time. I wish I could though. I really enjoy reading and commenting though. Keeps me connected

    1. Reading and commenting is my favorite part! I’m not a big fan of content creation, but putting up content brings people here to talk to 🙂

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