Two friends high fiving while planking on a gym floor. Self-Affirmations

Easy Self-Affirmations to Smash Your Fitness Goals

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Negative thoughts and hopeless feelings do more than just put you in a bad mood. The things we say to ourselves can impact our entire lives, from relationships to mental wellness. When it comes to goal-setting and physical fitness, self-affirmations are a powerful way to keep yourself on track.

In this post, I’ll explain self-affirmations, how to use them, and give some great examples that you can use to crush your fitness goals.

What are Self-Affirmations?

Praised by self-help books and bloggers, positive self-affirmations are words or phrases told to oneself to counteract negative thoughts. They can be said out loud or in your head. Repeating the words when necessary is the only step, making it extremely easy to do.

Unlike mantras, which are often more spiritual, positive affirmations are meant only to encourage a more positive mental atmosphere. They’re used to grow yourself in many ways, especially by catching and redirecting your negative thoughts.

You can use affirmations to encourage yourself to reach goals, boost confidence, or improve mental health. It’s a way to fight back against negative self-talk and learn to respect yourself more. In a way, it helps remove self-doubt, encouraging us to take action.

It also gives you a better sense of self. When you tell yourself what you are, you’re likely to believe it. Putting yourself down mentally can lead to wanting to “prove yourself right.” For example, if you think you’re a lazy person, you’re less likely to feel like exercising. This backs up the claim “your thoughts become your actions.”

Do Affirmations Work?

You may be wondering, do affirmations work? If you’ve never tried positive affirmations before, it can be hard to believe they make an impact at all. I mean, they are just thoughts, right? But there has been scientific evidence proving they can be valuable.

MRI scans show development in parts of the brain involved with self-identity and self-evaluation when people regularly use self-affirmations. Studies also show positive self-affirmations can reduce stress, make us more open-minded, and encourage us to make healthy life changes.

Like meditation, positive affirmations have to be used regularly to see any benefits. Regular use of self-affirmations can make your mind into a more positive atmosphere. Soon, your thoughts will naturally become more positive. Using self-affirmations can change the way you see your actions and the outcomes they create.

Positive self-affirmations allow us to see the thoughts that we usually find threatening and change our perspective. Remember that example I gave earlier about seeing yourself as a lazy person? Believing that you’re an active person can make exercise less intimidating.

Using Self-Affirmations to Reach Your Goals

When making changes to our lives, positive self-affirmations can encourage our minds to put up less of a fight. When you tell yourself that you’re someone who works out every day and is fit, your mind will eventually agree.

Above all, the phrase that you choose has to reflect your personal values. Simply telling yourself something that isn’t important to you won’t have the same effect as telling yourself something you truly connect with. Use a helpful saying that will remind you what your goals are and why you will reach them.

You don’t have to follow any fixed rules when using your affirmations. You can repeat them as often as you need and whenever you like. Knowing when to stop negative thoughts is the most important part. To start, try choosing your affirmation and repeating it to yourself 3-5 times each day. Then you can tweak it from there.

Positive Affirmations for Fitness

Self-affirmations don’t need to be complex. As long as the words you’re saying have meaning to you. In fact, making simple affirmations can help you use them because you won’t forget what they are. If you’re having trouble thinking of affirmations to help with your fitness goals, here are some examples to get you started:

  • “I am someone who loves to exercise for my health.”
  • “Weight loss is something that comes easily to me.”
  • “I believe that I can smash my fitness goals!”
  • “By exercising each day, I am improving my whole life.”
  • “I will do what it takes to be healthy.”
  • “I have what it takes to break through a weight loss plateau.”
  • “If I fail at something, I do not give up.”
  • “I deserve to reach my goals.”
  • “No one can stop me from having a healthy body.”
“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.” – Joseph Pilates Click To Tweet

Self-Affirmations: In Summary

Self-affirmations are phrases that you tell yourself to make your mind a more positive, stress-free place. Do affirmations work? Absolutely! They can help you reach your goals and boost your self-esteem. Using them is effective, free, and easy to do.

So don’t be afraid to choose a positive affirmation and repeat it to yourself a few times a day. No one needs to hear or know about it. In reality, you have the power to make your best life. Positive affirmations are a great tool to help you do just that.

Do you have any positive self-affirmations that you use each day? Let me know in the comments!

That’s it for now everyone. If you’ve found some value in this post, please share it to inspire others too! Thanks!

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26 thoughts on “Easy Self-Affirmations to Smash Your Fitness Goals”

  1. Pingback: Easy Self-Affirmations to Smash Your Fitness Go...

    1. mildredprincewelch

      I thanked you in advance in my mind wishing that would be your profound response!

  2. Some of the affirmations i’ve come across on Pinterest and whatever are what I think of as rainbow and unicorns affirmations, like “everyone loves me” that just aren’t true. But I think there’s also lots of room for positive affirmations that are still within the realm of reality.

  3. The power of our minds on our actions is incredible. I can confirm that self-affirmations do work. I especially like telling myself ‘I can accomplish anything I set out to do’ when I need a confidence boost

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